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Collectibles Decorative Arts Firearms

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Collectibles Decorative Arts Firearms

01 February 2025 at 10 am PST


Friday, January 31, 2025: 11:30 am - 6:30 pm
Saturday, February 1, 2025: 8:30 am - 9:45 am

Buyers Premium for Lots 1 - 200 and all Lots marked Alt BP is 26% if the payment method is cash or check.

Place Bids Terms & Conditions

Sterling Silver, Jewelry, Southwestern pottery and collectibles, Handguns, Long guns, Crystal, Porcelain, Decorative arts, tools and more.

Online Bidding Available at

1158 Items

Per Page :


Lot 1: Durgin "Fairfax" Sterling Silver 6-Pc Coffee and Tea Set.
Lot 2: (4) Sterling Silver Tableware Items.
Lot 3: (8) Sterling Spoons & (10) Placeholders.
Lot 4: International Sterling Serving Pieces, 16 Pieces.
Lot 5: Walther P99 Semi-Automatic Pistol.
Lot 6: Smith & Wesson Model 5906 Semi-Automatic Pistol.
Lot 7: Mauser C-96 Broomhandle Semi-Automatic Pistol.
Lot 8: Browning Hi-Power Standard Semi-Automatic Pistol.
Lot 9: Smith & Wesson Model 15 Six-Shot Revolver.
Lot 10: Smith & Wesson Model 39 Semi-Automatic Pistol.
Lot 11: Colt Python .357 Magnum Revolver.
Lot 12: Browning 1911-22 Semi-Automatic Pistol.
Lot 13: Sturm Ruger Blackhawk 6-Shot Revolver.
Lot 14: Colt Mk IV Series 70 "Gold Cup National Match" Pistol.
Lot 15: Heritage Rough Rider Single Action Revolver.
Lot 16: Beretta 85 Cheetah Semi-Automatic Pistol.
Lot 17: A. Uberti Model 1849 Pocket Revolver.
Lot 18: CZ 445 FS Mannlicher Bolt Action Rifle.
Lot 19: Mannlicher-Schoenauer Model 1952 Bolt Action Rifle.
Lot 20: Springfield Armory Model 1903 Bolt Action Rifle.
Lot 21: Inland Mfg. M1 Carbine Semi-Automatic Rifle.
Lot 22: Springfield Armory US M1 Garand Semi-Automatic Rifle.
Lot 23: Winchester Model 70 Bolt Action Rifle & Scope.
Lot 24: Steyr Modelo 1912 Mauser Bolt Action Rifle
Lot 25: Japanese Type I Bolt Action Rifle.
Lot 26: Russia / CDT SVT 1940 Semi-Automatic Rifle.
Lot 27: 19th C. Moroccan Miquelet-Lock Musket.
Lot 28: Geco Signal Pistol Flare Gun.
Lot 29: Heckler & Koch Rack Pist 78 Flare Gun.
Lot 30: Geco Signal Pistol Flare Gun.
Lot 31: Remington Model 1867 Rolling Block Rifle.
Lot 32: Antique Browning 12 Gauge Side by Side Shotgun.
Lot 33: J. Manton & Co. 12 Gauge Side by Side Shotgun.
Lot 34: (3) Continental Silver Serving Spoons.
Lot 35: Continental Silver 2-Handled Cup.
Lot 36: (19) Cristal St. Louis Cranberry & Clear Glass Stems.
Lot 37: (16) Cristal St. Louis Cranberry to Clear Glass Wine Stems.
Lot 38: (2) Herend Chinese Bouquet & Bird Double Salt Dips.
Lot 39: (2) Dresden Gilt & Painted Cup and Saucer Sets.
Lot 40: (7) Meissen "Indian" Pink Small Tableware Items.
Lot 41: Asian Bronze & Cloisonne Lidded Vessel.
Lot 42: Sterling Silver Oval Tray.
Lot 43: Japanese Bronze Lidded Censer.
Lot 44: Chinese Famille Rose Porcelain Large Bowl.
Lot 45: (9) David F. Barry Photographs of Chiefs, Warriors & Others.
Lot 46: Percy Gray Watercolor, Poppies in Meadow.
Lot 47: Percy Gray Watercolor, Mt. Tamalpais.
Lot 48: After P. J. Mene, Large Bronze Stallion Sculpture.
Lot 49: Small Group of UN First Day Covers & Stamps.
Lot 50: Spanish Colonial Silver Dish.